I am a 3 years old Syrian boy of Kurdish ethnic background. I was born in Kobanî, Syria. I escaped from the civil war and went to Turkey with my family in June 2015 and then the Greek island of Kos in September 2015. Then we all flew to Vancouver, Canada to meet our relatives.
I love my new life in Canada and made new friends. Everything is so different here than Syria. I saw the snow for the first time...I have many first times though...
I also share my new life on the internet... You can see my photo album on this site by clicking the ALBUM menu above.
I was the lucky one.....at least you can help the others before it's too late.
Funds raised so far...
As main event: £1526.96
Refugee Community Kitchen (UK): £95.96
Halkların Köprüsü (Bridge of People) (TR): £726
(Proofs provided on request)
As participant: £1204
Care4Calais & Refugee Community Centre (UK): £1100
Unicef (UK): £104
TOTAL: £2730.96